The Bloop at Warwick Arts Centre
This Saturday evening I will be running the first plays of my new pervasive game The Bloop at Warwick Arts Centre.
The event is the Hide&Seek Sandpit, run in association with LIFT, London International Festival of Theatre, as part of Fierce’s Interrobang programme.
In practical terms, what this means is that you can come to Warwick Arts Centre (at the University Of Warwick in, er, Coventry) for 6pm and take part in a whole host of games and playful things, for free!
The Bloop (set in the deep ocean off the coast of Chile) will be the first public outing of the sonar goggles I have been developing. If you are playing as a whale, you will be using these goggles to navigate the playing space by sound rather than by sight.
There will also be colourful ribbons, inflatable whales and bothersome krill.
Hope you can come and join us for an evening of fun and challenge!