Still Walking

The last 5 months have largely been dominated by my involvement in helping organise the Still Walking festival. All this work recently came to fruition with the various tours and events wending their way across the city.

There are many more words and pictures on the Still Walking blog and Flickr pages, but a few of my photos are gathered here by way of marking these happenings.

Birmingham Gothic

A gathering on New Street looks up, causing The DHL Man to stop, linger and say "thank you"

On Location // Mark Wilson

Opportunities to osmose between the inside and outside of tours; to be swept up in the passions contained within, but also to observe them from a distance

Eyes at Rest

Trust and exploration

Walk the Queensway

Taking the road less travelled

Radial Truths tour for Still Walking

Saying goodbye

Digbeth Listening Walk

Causing people to stop and stare whilst we stopped and listened

Walking & Art

Gathering around shared interests

Big Brum Love Tour

Standing out from the crowd; talking to the individuals within the crowd

Brumicana — Urban Myths and Memes

Cinematic moments