Coming up: Yamanote Stories at Pecha Kucha Coventry
Tomorrow I’m one of the presenters at Pecha Kucha Night Coventry, this time in turn part of the Japanese Cultural Festival being run by The Tin Music and Arts.
This means entry is free and there’s karaoke afterwards should you so fancy it!
I thought the Japanese theme would be a good excuse to look again at a project I did back in 2006: Sites of Potentiality Guidebooks: Yamanote Line. 29 not-quite-random walks in Tokyo looking for Interesting Things.
PKNCov regulars may remember the Invite Boredom presentation Paul Conneally talked about a year or so ago:
Pecha Kucha Coventry | Vol 8 | Paul Coneally from MINDRIOT PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo.
This is very much a precursor to the Invigilator project and probably sets the scene for most of my practice since then!
See you at the Coal Vaults at 7pm.