3 Bridges in Libre Graphics Magazine

When I was in New York in 2011, I made a few new pieces of work using my GPS difference technique. One of these was 3 Bridges, made by collecting the GPS data as I walked across the bridges that connect the Southern tip of Manhattan to Brooklyn. From North to South, these are the Williamsburg Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge respectively.

Each of these bridges is a completely different experience to walk across – you may be in a tunnel of iron girders, alongside busy subway tracks or out in the open with a criss-cross of suspension cables rising above you. The different characteristics of the the bridges are reflected in the different GPS ‘fingerprints’ shown by the lines in the drawing.

3 Bridges

3 Bridges has been reproduced in Issue 2.1 of Libre Graphics Magazine (entitled Localization/Internationalisation).

We react to regional differences, as well as efforts at internationalisation, in varied ways. In a world that has become increasingly globalised, we may hope for ways to communicate more effectively with others, or we may cherish our own regionally-specific terms and ways. We may create habits and classification systems which help us to trade knowledge and understanding with others, or we may take refuge in personal eccentricities.Editor’s Letter: Localisation and internationalization, ginger coons

I was given a sneak peek at the print copy a few days ago and it’s a lovely piece of work. You can order your copy from http://libregraphicsmag.com/ or you can download pdf versions to view or print yourself.

Interview for Using Games to Enhance Learning and Teaching

A while ago I was asked a few questions by Nicola Whitton as part of her research for her upcoming book about games in education.

Well the book has now been published and there’s an accompanying website that presents longer versions of the interviews with the various contributors.

My interview is here.



Preparing to publish Uncertain Eastside

I’ve given myself some time off from school projects etc to focus on getting to grips with pulling the Uncertain Eastside publication together.

Layout screenshot - Uncertain Eastside GPS drawing

Layout screenshot - Uncertain Eastside GPS drawing

One of the most challenging things has been to edit the 1000+ photos submitted by the Walk and Talk participants down to what is now a mere 84.

There have been some difficult decisions involved in trying to represent nearly 4 miles worth of varying landscape in a succinct collection of images. In very approximate terms we’re talking one photo per 75 metres. Is it possible to capture the essence of a place with so few photos? Well, I hope we have at least provided a few reference points by which the changes that will follow can be gauged.

Layout screenshot - Walk and Talk event photos

Layout screenshot - Walk and Talk event photos

I quite often drive on the ring road along the Watery Lane – Dartmouth Circus section of the Eastside perimeter and even in the one year since I started this project several buildings have been demolished and you can see multi-storey carparks going up not far away. Makes me wonder how fast things would have changed had we not have crunched our credit.

Layout screenshot - rear cover

Layout screenshot - rear cover

I’m nearly at the point where I can start sending off for proofs and ISBN numbers, so hopefully the publication will soon be ready to be released into the wild.

Contents May Vary, issue 2

Contents May Vary

Just before I left for Canada I received a big envelope full of copies of the Contents May Vary publication I had some work included in a while ago.

I’ve now got more that I could ever possibly need for my archive purposes, so if you’d like a copy let me know and I’ll send you one.

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General blog contents released under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license. Artworks and other projects copyright Nicola Pugh 2003-2024, all rights reserved.
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