Tying together faint fragments

I recently made a “What others say” page for the nice things that had previously been on the (too busy) home page. I also wanted to include some of the descriptions of my work from the old Japanese language profile page …which meant I had to ask for help for an accurate translation.

With many thanks to the completely-unknown-to-me Claire Wilkinson, and the online intermediaries, I received these two translations of descriptions from two Japanese artists:

小さな欠片を見つけては集めていく。微かな断片を探しては繋いでいく。彼女はまるで解れた糸を紡いでいくように人と人を、街と街を、繋いでいきます。- こうあみ

Finding and collecting small fragments. She searches for faint fragments and ties them together. It is as if she is spinning threads which have become loose and frayed, from person to person, town to town, tying them.” – Ami Ko

彼女は人と人とのコミュニケーションを図るイギリスのアーティスト。様々な方法を駆使した表現で展開しています。自己の体験や記憶を他人と共有した時に起こる可能性や、そこから生まれる心のつながりについて思考しています。場と人と時間、この要素がそれぞれの境界を曖昧にすることで、つながりを持ちはじめます。そのつながりは、人と人との言語コミュニケーションを超越したコミュニケーションとなるのです。 – 井上 織衣

She is an English artist attempting interpersonal communication. Her expressions are developing making full use of various ways. She is thinking about times when her own experiences and recollections are held jointly with other people, and the possibilities arising and mental connections born from this. Places and people and times, by blurring the boundaries each of these constituent elements, connections begin to be held. These connections become a form of communication which stands above verbal communication between people.” – Orie Inoue

I love the image of wandering from town to town, tying fragments into new connecting threads. Also of blurring boundaries between places and people and times.

A special mention also to Minkette for her software translations and appreciation of the poetry found within:

@ Minkette will find a small piece collected. We are looking for a piece by connecting faint. And people like her who will spin a yarn like Reta, city and town, we are holding hands.