What others say

On interactions…

“Dear Mum, Nikki is a highly regarded combiner of artforms. Think [of] her as an orchestra conducter, guiding devices to sing!” Dr Christy Dena, director of Universe Creation 101 [source]

“…an innovative spirit that encompassed the technology she was creating and adapting and the social settings that she was careful to create as a context for the work.” Daniel Belasco Rogers, artist

小さな欠片を見つけては集めていく。微かな断片を探しては繋いでいく。彼女はまるで解れた糸を紡いでいくように人と人を、街と街を、繋いでいきます。Finding and collecting small fragments. She searches for faint fragments and ties them together. It is as if she is spinning threads which have become loose and frayed, from person to person, town to town, tying them.” -こうあみ/Ami Ko

彼女は人と人とのコミュニケーションを図るイギリスのアーティスト。様々な方法を駆使した表現で展開しています。自己の体験や記憶を他人と共有した時に起こる可能性や、そこから生まれる心のつながりについて思考しています。場と人と時間、この要素がそれぞれの境界を曖昧にすることで、つながりを持ちはじめます。そのつながりは、人と人との言語コミュニケーションを超越したコミュニケーションとなるのです。She is an English artist attempting interpersonal communication. Her expressions are developing making full use of various ways. She is thinking about times when her own experiences and recollections are held jointly with other people, and the possibilities arising and mental connections born from this. Places and people and times, by blurring the boundaries each of these constituent elements, connections begin to be held. These connections become a form of communication which stands above verbal communication between people.” -井上 織衣/Orie Inoue

(Thanks to Claire Wilkinson for the Japanese to English translations.)

On playfulness…

“It was great fun, with all these people who had moments before been strangers running round after each other, sliding along walls, sneaking out from behind pillars and generally bemusing people who were having a quiet afternoon shopping in town.” – Heather [source]

“More intriguing and richer in possibilities, not least because it is so much harder to grasp, is a broader sense of playfulness of the kind cultivated by Emergent Game, which is remarkable for its ability to get people to play together, but not necessarily to play a game. Although it calls itself a game, it has little of the competitive spirit and goal orientation implied by this term, and far more to do with the cultivation of a ludic culture, a matter of learning how to play in the loosest, broadest senses with which we began: the playing not simply of games, but of instruments, systems, and of the kind at which children excel but which, as we age, we tend to forget.” – Sadie Plant, author [source]

On use of technology…

“Every time I look you’re doing something I couldn’t imagine being done.” – Dave Harte, Chair, Birmingham Science City, Digital Theme Group [source]

“I can wholeheartedly say that I have never before seen such ingenious approaches to the adapting, packaging and downright disguising of technology that exemplify Nikki’s work and such a unique blend of the most current technological and locative capabilities with a beguilingly witty, approachable and attractive form.” Daniel Belasco Rogers, artist

On school projects…

“In the morning when Miss Yates had just taken the register agent N came in and she said EMERGENCY!!! COME TO THE HALL QUICK I was really excited but when we were walking in the corridors we had to make sure that we were undercover so we had to act normal and when we had got to the hall agent N told us that we were on a mission to find some clues to solve the mission.Then we had to go back to are classrooms and we had to solve some clues and we got some clues just in the time of 15 minutes and the first clue was , near a mans whos’s insides you could clearly see and we had to find a map and each class had part of the map and if we put it together it would make the whole map. Today I have learned that if we all work together as a team the mission would be done quicker because we only have 2 days left.” – Y5 pupil talking about a maths intervention

“Since the project it has been more fun not giving up as much, not thinking “I can’t do it” – I’ve got on with it a lot more” – Y5 pupil talking about maths after the intervention

“It was a pleasure to work with Nikki during our project in school. She shows great enthusiasm for developing creative thinking in staff and pupils and offers interesting ideas and different ways of approaching teaching.” – Deputy Head, Mowmacre Hill Primary School

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