Mobile Fun Factory
So we (Garry Bulmer, David Checkley, Rachel Sutton, Kim Wall and I) eventually finished building a Mobile Fun Factory for The Public in West Bromwich.
Designed as a mobile unit that is interactive in its own right as well as providing a method of displaying work made during the summer programme’s activities, the Mobile Fun Factory had quite a brief to fulfil. It also had to fit in the goods lift.
Here’s what we made…
It sports:
- A 42″ screen on the top
- A smaller touchscreen screen in the Secret Cinema (behind the velvety curtains)
- Some amazing velvety curtains
- A camera sending a live feed to a screen on the other side of the unit (pleasingly infra-red)
- A chimney that glows in a vaguely TARDIS-style manner
- A scrolling LED matrix
- Lots of mesh for attaching artworks to
- A mahoosive blackboard
- A Control Panel full of big pressy buttons, thunky switches, rainbow LEDs and random noise samples
- A periscope
- Glowing circles (really quite pleasing!)
- And the best boot-up sequence ever (see below)
Mobile Fun Factory boot-up sound from nikkipugh on Vimeo.
And it still fits in the goods lift!
Well, sort of, the periscope and the chimney have to be detached, but we figured out ways of doing this in a reasonably straightforward manner whilst still having them secure once re-attached.
Here are a few photos (more here):

The LED hoop in all its glory. It also runs Conway’s Game of Life, which is rather nice.

The Control Panel – an easy way to lose track of time as you explore the different sound samples and admire the blinkenlights. All those switches and buttons do something; can you figure them out?
Photos of several of the bits don’t really do them justice, so here’s a quick video to give more of a flavour:
Mobile Fun Factory from nikkipugh on Vimeo.
The Mobile Fun Factory is now parked up in the main entrance atrium to The Public awaiting your interaction pleasure. Go have a play.