A Road Trip for Longbridge (cycle version)

The ford across the River Rea
Saturday 17th of May, 11am-4:00ish, free
What is it?
Radical psychoanalysts; a medieval corn mill; a stairless Paradise; and more hairdressing salons than you can shake a freshly-cut daffodil at.
A Road Trip for Longbridge starts and finishes with the regeneration works on Longbridge Lane but in between goes on a journey to a variety of locations in Hollymoor, Frankley, Rubery and Rednal that pose questions about ideas – and ideals – about the places we want to live in.
Part guided tour and part guided conversation, it is an invitation for you to share your stories about your experiences of community and the changes in the area.
Booking is not entirely necessary, but there’s a sign-up form here which would help Cycle South Brum immensely.
Where/when does it start and finish?
The tour starts and finishes at Austin Park – behind the new Bournville College building on Longbridge Lane. Go into the shared space area as if you were going to Sainsbury’s, then turn right in front of the hotel and pub. We’ll be the ones with the bikes in the corner!

Meeting point for the main ride at Austin Park
Please make sure you’re ready for a prompt 11am start. There are loos in the nearby Sainsbury’s supermarket if you need them beforehand.
There will also be a feeder ride for people who would prefer to start from Northfield. Meet Cycle South Brum at the multi use games area in the middle of Victoria Common. This group will leave at 10:30, so please make sure you are there and ready to depart by then.

Feeder ride from Northfield meets in the middle of Victoria Common for a prompt 10:30 departure
Is it far? Is it fast? Will I be able to keep up?
The route is about 10 miles long in total, but there are several stopping points, so you’ll not need to cycle more than a few miles at a time.
We’ll go at the pace of the slowest rider, waiting for everyone to catch up after uphill sections etc. We’ll also have a ‘Tail End Charlie’ whose job it will be to stay at the back of the group and make sure no-one gets left behind.
If you find you need to walk up a hill, that’s totally fine.
Will we be cycling on busy roads?
Yes. Although some of our route is on off-road cycle paths and National Cycle Route 5, the majority of the tour will be along roads – sometimes busy ones.
Because of this the tour is not suitable for children or for very novice riders. You don’t have to be a pro road racer with all the kit, but we do request that everyone taking part should be comfortable cycling on the road in amongst other traffic.
Will we stop for lunch? Do I need to bring anything with me?
There’ll be a lunch and toilet break at the Hollymoor Centre café. Please bring a lock so you can leave your bike outside and some money.
It would also be wise to bring some water to drink as we’re cycling around and of course clothing etc suitable to the weather (waterproof layers or sun protection, depending on which way it goes!).
There’s a chance for another loo break later in the day at Rubery.
Can I borrow a bike?
Cycle South Brum have a few cycles available for hire. You will need to arrange this with them in advance.
Will the tour still take place if it’s raining?
Yes …up to a point. If it’s drizzly we’ll still ride. If the weather’s shockingly bad we’ve pencilled in the next Saturday (24th of May) as a Plan B. Cancellation notices will be posted here.
I really want to take part, but I can’t do the bike ride. Is there an alternative?
Yes! We’re also running a minibus version of the Road Trip on Saturday the 26th of April. Places are limited, so you need to sign up here.
No, sorry, all the places for the minibus version have been taken!
I have another question!
Use the contact form and we’ll do our best to help.
This event is supported by Cycle South Brum. Check out their website for information about bike hire, events and training.
These events are part of Longbridge Public Art Public (LPAP) conceived by EC Arts for and on behalf of Bournville College. For more information visit www.lpap.co.uk.