Clay + plaster

This week’s making saw the clay finally dry out enough to do the last of the shaping, a quick burnish to try and make the surface detail look a little less ‘made’, and then a speedy 2-hour mould-making dash.







With both halves of the mould now plastered, it’s a case of waiting a few days before I can get back into the workshop, prise them open and see how it’s worked.

After that we buy wax; lots of wax!

Back in the clay room

kidney lines

I’m enjoying the chance to get hands-on with different materials and really have some options when it comes down to choosing what to make my interfaces out of.

For this project I’ll be casting some forms in wax. Yesterday and today I began the process of making a pattern from which to make the mould for the casting.

You gotta love clay.

support mould


top and bottom


cut and squidge

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