season’s greetings

At some stage last week a (presumably Polish Mexican) nativity scene magically appeared in the sitting room.


…on top of the cable TV box and DVD-player.



walking back from work earlier today…


andre’s balloon

secret garden

garden sketch

Found tucked inside a book on garden design.


Walking to work. It is cold, it is dark, I am in a hurry.

A section of pavement has recently been re-tarmaced. I cross it. It is warm, I can feel its heat on my face.

fastidious furigana

These two ended up next to eachother on my desk. They seemed to resonate somehow.

rocket pencil instructionsfastidious tellurite

Left: instructions on the back of a rocket pencil

Furigana above the kanji to indicate their pronounciation… but I don’t know what the words mean.

Right: notes found tucked inside a medical texbook

I wonder if this helped.

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